James Stewart

Envision Saint JohnNew BrunswickSecond Career


The Impact loan gave me the ability to focus for a few months and build a prototype. That prototype really unlocked our ability to sell the vision of what we could do, what we could create. Because of that I was able to get our CTO, who’s an amazing technical resource, and our Chief Product Officer, who’s actually a police officer, she saw the potential in what we were doing. With that tight core, we were able to build a team. Now we have nine full-time people, five part-time. The Impact loan was the key.

As a new entrepreneur Impact was likely the only  source of funding that we would have qualified for. Without it I don’t think I would have gotten that sort of encouragement and felt the pull into the entrepreneurial ecosystem. It was really the beginning of all of the support that followed.

The folks at Envision Saint John and Impact, they were the first ones to really embrace us and give us that place to work. I left that very first meeting believing that I could actually do something. That was what they provided and they’ve been supportive all the way.

Impact provides all sorts of different courses. I think there’s also a relationship there with the incubator/accelerator as part of Envision Saint John. The folks there have been wonderful. They bring in different training, different skillsets, and there’s always something going on.


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